
Functional Diagnostic

Why use the functional diagnostic?

Many pains, above all tension headaches, migraines and even muscular tension in the cervical area, have their origin in the zone of the system of mastication.
The mastication system is not simply made up of teeth.
It also includes the gums, the jaw articulations and muscles play a very important role in the correct functioning of the chewing apparatus.
Dysfunction in mastication due to the incorrect position of teeth, contact which is hindered by fillings or by defective false teeth can cause muscular tension and damage to the jaws.
The jaw musculature is often under great tension due to pressure within the jaw.

What can be done?

Functional diagnostic Functional alterations are not, however, a problem which you have to resign yourself to.
Firstly, a functional clinical analysis is performed in which we make an exact study of the muscles and joints of the jaw.
Secondly, the functional analysis establishes the inclination of the upper jaw, as well as the axis of the lower jaw by means of the transfer of the facial arch.

Functional diagnostic Once this information has been obtained, specific treatment can begin , for example, with a splint.
This is placed in the upper jaw.
This relaxes the jaw muscles and distributes the pressure equally between the teeth.

In this way headaches and pain of the jaw and neck muscles can be relieved or eliminated.









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